353 87 2210500 dave@documentexaminer.ie
Cut and Paste

Cut and Paste

“Cut and Paste” is often used to refer to the process were a genuine signature is lifted from one document and dropped onto a second document. If this is done without the consent of the individual concerned it is essentially an act of forgery. Cut and paste can be...
Can you make your signatures Forgery proof?

Can you make your signatures Forgery proof?

Signatures on legal and commercial documents are often questioned. But how can you avoid becoming a hostage of fortune to your own signature? Dave Madden explains how to reduce the risk Your signature is an important piece of your own individual makeup. It is unique...
Can you do a one to one signature comparison?

Can you do a one to one signature comparison?

A frequent request I receive is to compare two signatures to determine if they are of common authorship or not. This type of comparison is problematic because if any differences between the two signatures are observed it is not really possible to say if they are due...
Ink dating….and the CSI effect

Ink dating….and the CSI effect

The popularity of TV shows such as CSI have brought forensic science into the living room. One of the downsides of this however is that client expectations on what is possible in certain areas of forensic science often greatly exceed what can actually be done....
Use of the word “forgery”

Use of the word “forgery”

Recently I was given some instructions along the lines of “If you can include the word forgery in your report it would go a long way to help my negotiation position”. It is worth considering the definition of forgery as outlined in the Irish Statute Book, Criminal...
The role of the expert witness

The role of the expert witness

The role of the expert witness can be misunderstood, often by the client but sometimes also by the legal team who have a responsibility to represent the client’s best interests in any proceedings. The expert witness and the legal team have a different responsibility...